
Showing posts from November, 2017

Adnan Oktar Says...

ADNAN OKTAR: Referring to hypocrites, God says in the 15th verse of Surah al-Hadid: "So today no ransom will be accepted from you or from those who disbelieved." People can pay ransom for their sins only in this world. What is meant by ransom is slaughtering a lamb as sacrifice or giving food to the destitute. "No ransom will be accepted" says God, in the hereafter. "Your refuge is the fire. It is your master;" in other words, God says, "Hell is your master, in which you will seek refuge." Because hell is not inanimate; it is the master of only hypocrites and disbelievers, but an evil master at that. It is a master that constantly plagues them with troubles and torment. As for the believers, their Master is God, whereas the master of the irreligious and hypocrites is hell. "...What an evil destination!’ says God. God says "Mawlakum" referring to hell; "Your master -your Mawlakum- is hell," He says. I seek refuge in...

Hypocrites Ruined The Islamic World
